TX LIC#: 395561
Address: 800 W Dallas Ave McAllen, TX 78501
Office: 956.994.8900
Email: charlesm@nairgv.com
Direct: 970.209.3452

Charles Mueller

Associate // Licensed Agent

Charles Mueller has practiced real estate for nearly 25 years. He is President of Synergis, LLC and has extensive development and management expertise, and has led commercial and residential projects in Texas, Colorado, and the Virgin Islands. Skilled in real estate acquisition, development, and management, he is also active in promoting innovative and profitable business partnerships. His latest significant venture is a Class A Business Park, 495 Commerce Center, located in McAllen, Texas.

In addition to real estate brokerage and development, Mr. Mueller is actively engaged in property management. Charles understands the entitlement and subdivision process having dealt with many different jurisdictions in different states over the years. From designing a master plan and developing to property management Mr. Mueller has the experience and knowledge to deliver a successful product.


Lease Administration


Baylor University, BA in Real Estate and Entrepreneurship
NAR ICSC Urban Land Institute
Telluride CO Association of Realtors
Greater McAllen Association of Realtors



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